• Castello la Leccia


    Castello La Leccia

    Arrival – how to get to Castello La Leccia

    Map to Castello La Leccia coming from Florence:
    HIGHWAY “ Firenze-Siena” and exit at San Donato. Turn left on SP101 towards Castellina in Chianti (13 km). Drive through the village of Castellina in Chianti. Just outside the village turn right direction Castellina Scalo - Monteriggioni on the SP51. After approx. 2 km take a white road on the left and follow the brown sign “LA LECCIA”.
    Map to Castello La Leccia coming from Siena:
    HIGHWAY “Siena-Firenze” and exit at Monteriggioni. Turn right on SR2 towards Castellina (2 km), drive through the village of Castellina Scalo and just outside it turn right on SP51 towards Castellina in Chianti. After approximately 8 km find on your right an unpaved road with the sign “LA LECCIA” which will lead you to destination.
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